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How To Insert A Picture Into Gmail.

How to add a picture to Gmail emails. Insert the image directly into the body of the message.

If you use Gmail as your email service, then it’s really easy to add pictures directly into your emails. You can insert images that are stored in your Google Photos account or from your local computer.

How To Add A Picture In Gmail.

To add an image to your Gmail, log into your account and then click the Compose button to start a new message.

Fill out the address and subject boxes and add some text to the message body, just as you would for a standard email.

When you’re ready to add your image, click the Insert Photo button (icon).

Compose button indicated in Gmail.
To add a picture into your email, click the Compose button.
Insert Photo button marked in Gmail
Click the Insert Photo button.
A close up view of the Insert Photo button in Gmail.
This is a close up view of the Insert Photo button.

Adding Images To A Gmail.

In Gmail, after you click the Insert Photo button, the Insert Photo window will open. From here you can choose to add pictures from your Google account or from your computer.

To insert an image from Google Photos, select the image by left clicking on it once and then click the Insert button.

If the picture that you want to add to your Gmail isn’t already in Google Photos, then you’ll need to upload it. Click the Upload tab.

Insert photo in Gmail.
Add a picture from Google Photos.
Upload tab is indicated in Google Photos.
Or upload a picture from your computer.

After clicking the Upload tab, you can either drag and drop an image onto the upload screen, or click the Choose Photos To Upload button.

Clicking the Choose Photos To Upload button will open an explorer type window allowing you to navigate to and select the image you want to insert into your Gmail.

Drag photos to upload.
Drag picture onto the screen, or click Choose Photos To Upload.
File Explorer is open and the steps to navigate and select an image are numbered, 1. Navigation pane 2. Image selected 3. Open button.
Then navigate to and select the images you want to insert into your Gmail message.

How To Resize The Image.

After adding a picture into your Gmail, you’ll probably need to resize. Only very rarely does an inserted image look great as soon as it’s been added.

To help get the picture just perfect, Gmail provides an options toolbar just below the selected image.

The options available are Small, Best Fit (which is usually the default option), Original Size and Delete.

The toolbar only appears when the image is selected. To select the image, simply left-click on it once.

You might need to scroll down to find the toolbar.

Image options highlighted in Gmail.
Image size options toolbar in Gmail. Select the image and the toolbar will appear.

Manually Resizing An Inserted Picture.

If the toolbar options aren’t sizing your photo the way you want it, in Gmail you can manually resize it.

To resize the image, click once directly onto the picture to select it. You’ll see some “grab” handles appear around it. They’re tiny squares that appear at the corners of the photo.

Hover your mouse pointer over one of the handles and the normal pointer will change to a double-headed arrow.

Hold down the left mouse button and then drag the handle inward to reduce the size of the image, or outward to increase the size.

Release the mouse button when you’re happy with the result.

An image inserted into a Gmail email. It has been selected and the sizing handles are indicated.
Drag the handles in or out to change the size of your image.

Image Alignment.

Just as with text, you can align an inserted image. You can have it left aligned (which is usually the default), centred, or right aligned.

Select your photo and then click the More Formatting Options arrowhead.

More formatting options arrowhead highlighted in Gmail.
To align your image in Gmail, click the More Formatting options arrowhead.

On the formatting options menu, click the Alignment options icon. Then select whether you you want your photo to be left, right or centre aligned.

Alignment options menu icon highlighted.
Then click the Alignment Options.
Alignment options marked.
And finally select the alignment that you want to use.


You can continue adding more photos to your Gmail message.

There isn’t really any limit on the number of pictures, but you do have to bear in mind the size limits of emails.

In Gmail the total size of the message (including all images, attachments etc) can’t be more that 25MB. Personally, I’d try to stay well below that limit if you can.

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