At Home Computer Beginner’s Course.
Quick computer course for anyone just getting started with a PC.
Personalise Your Computer.
As a computer beginner you may be unaware of the wealth of customisations that you can make to Windows. So to start off the course, we’re going to look at just a few that’ll make your PC easier to use.
You can change the size of the mouse pointer (cursor) and alter the double click speed.
Next we’ll look at the screen, start menu, taskbar and desktop.
The Basic Tasks Everyone Should Know.
These are the basic things you’re going to need to know how to do. Whatever you use your computer for, you’ll find yourself using these guides all the time.
Resizing program windows, and navigating around the computer using File Explorer. Create folders and save files into them.
Learn how to do these basic tasks and you’ll find that using your PC is just so much easier, quicker and far less stressful.
Copy, Cut, Paste & Selecting Files.
Most of you that have used a PC for some time will be familiar with Copy & Paste and Cut & Paste. But when you’re new to computers, maybe not so much.
We’re also going to look at copying to a USB drive and selecting multiple files at the same time. Saving your pictures or documents to a USB stick really is the most basic form of backup, but it’s also extremely effective.
Windows is the name of the operating system that runs your computer. As you’re using a Windows computer, you have to have some knowledge about the OS.
Currently the At Home Beginners Computer Course covers both Windows 10 & Windows 11. If Windows 12 is released, then I’ll cover that too.
If you’re using any other version, then I’m really sorry, but I simply can’t cover anything earlier than Windows 10. It would just take up too much time.
We’ll start by looking at Windows user accounts because, quite honestly, it can get confusing.
At Home Computer Beginners Guides To Email.
Love it or loathe it, email is everywhere. It’s a constant intrusion into our daily lives. And since this is a computer course for beginners, we simply have to include email.
We start by looking at the very basics of email. How to enter the address and subject lines. carbon copies and blind carbon copies, replying & forwarding.
Then it’s printing and attachments in emails. How to print an email. How to open, add, view, print an attachment.
At Home Computer Course Guides To The Internet.
The Internet is probably the main reason most of us even have a home computer. Just about everything has moved online plus more besides.
As a beginners course we have to start this chapter by looking at web browsers. A browser is the program that you’ll use to “Get on the ‘net”. And there are lots of them. The two most popular are Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
Home Computer Security Guides.
Should you pay for antivirus or go with the free options? Windows has its own antivirus, why not use it.
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