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How To Install Windows Without A Microsoft Account.

How do you install Windows without a Microsoft account?

No@thanks doesn’t work anymore. Not sure why Microsoft have removed this option. It had become quite widely known and was easy to use for anyone that didn’t require an MS account on the computer they were setting up.

Scouring the Internet for a way to setup Windows without a Microsoft account, you’ll find various methods and also some controversy as to whether they actually work or not.

The method that you use will depend entirely on which edition of Windows you’re trying to install, Home or Pro.

In this guide, I’ll show you different ways to install Windows without an MS account for both the Home versions and Pro versions.

Install Windows 10 And 11 Home Without A Microsoft Account.

At the time of writing this article, this method of installing Windows 10 & 11 Home without a Microsoft account works perfectly. It doesn’t work on the Pro editions. Not sure why that would be, but if you’ve got a Home version, this is how you do it.

Run the Windows 10 or 11 Home installer just as you normally would.

You’ll go through several screens and restarts.

Eventually you’ll get to the “Unlock your Microsoft experience” screen.

There’s nothing else you can do accept click the Sign In button.

Installing Windows 11. The Sign In button is marked.
Click the Sign In button to continue.

On the Sign In screen, type USER into the box.

Note that you need to type it in all capital letters.

Using any lower case letters won’t work, it has to be CAPITALS.

Click the Next button.

"Let's add your Microsoft account" screen. USER has been typed into the Sign In box.
To bypass signing in with a Microsoft account, type USER into the Sign In box.

For the password, type USER.

Again it has to be all in capital letters. Click the Sign In button.

A password has been entered into the password box.
For the password, type USER.

Ooops – Something Went Wrong.

After clicking the Sign In button you’ll see the Ooops – something went wrong screen. Click the Next button.

The next screen will allow you to set up Windows with a local account, rather than signing into a Microsoft account. Easy.

Oops-something went wrong page. Next button is marked.
Click the Next button.
Creating a local account when setting up Windows 11.
Local account setup page when installing Windows 11 Home.

Windows 10 – 11 Home Edition.

This method of setting up Windows 10 or 11 without a Microsoft account only works for the Home editions.

And you must use all capital letters when entering both the username and password.

Install Windows 10 And 11 Pro Without A Microsoft Account.

Installing Windows 10 & 11 Pro editions without a Microsoft account is slightly different. Pro versions of Windows have the ability to join domains and that’s reflected in the setup process.

Just as with the Home editions, start the Windows installation as normal.

You’ll have several screens to click through and a few restarts but eventually you’ll see this screen.

“How would you like to set up this device?”

Click “Set up for personal use” and then click the Next button.

Set up for personal use has been selected and the Next button is indicated.
To install Windows Pro editions without a Microsoft account, select “Set up for personal use”.

Then you’ll see the “Unlock your Microsoft experience” screen.

Click the Sign In button to continue.

Sign In button is marked.
Click the Sign In button.

In the username box type –


No@thanks.com doesn’t work. but no@thankyou.com does.

Click the Next button.

no@thankyou.com has been typed into the username box.
For the username, type no@thankyou.com.

Now enter a password. Any password will do. It doesn’t matter what you use since you want this to fail.

So type in any random keys on your keyboard and then click the Sign In button.

A random password has been entered into password box.
Add a random password. Anything will do.

Someone Has Entered An Incorrect Password For This Account.

On this screen “Oops – something went wrong”, if you read the text it says “Someone has entered an incorrect password for this account to many times”.

That’s OK, it’s exactly what you want to happen. Click the Next button.

Installing Windows 11 with a local account.
Something went wrong. Click the Next button.

Try To Sign In Again.

After the Oops- something went wrong screen, you’ll be returned to the Microsoft Account sign in screen again. Back where you started.

It’ll seem as if this way of setting up Windows without a Microsoft account has failed. But it hasn’t. All you need to do now is to attempt to sign in to the no@thankyou.com account again.

no@thankyou.com has been typed into the username box.
Type no@thankyou.com again and click Next.
A random password has been entered into password box.
Enter another random password. It doesn’t have to be the same as your first attempt. Again, anything will be fine.

The Local Account Option Appears.

After trying the no@thankyou.com account for a second time, you’ll be presented with the local account option. Brilliant.

Now you can continue installing Windows with a local account instead of a Microsoft account.

Setup Windows 11 Pro with a local account.
After the second attempt, Windows will offer you the local account screen.

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