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How To Use The Outlook For Windows App.

Outlook for Windows app is a basic email client that’s installed by default on Windows 10 & Windows 11 computers.

Once setup it’ll download and display your email messages. You can add several accounts to it so that you don’t have to keep logging in and out of your webmail accounts.

All your messages are displayed within this single program, giving you quick access and a consistent user interface, regardless of which email service you’re using.

If you haven’t set it up yet, click here How To Setup Your Email Accounts In Outlook For Windows App.

Using The Outlook For Windows App.

Opening the Outlook app you’ll be presented with 3 main panels.

The left hand panel displays your accounts and their respective folders.

In the centre panel you’ll see the message list.

And on the right hand panel you’ll see the email message displayed.

Outlook for Windows app open. An email message is displayed.
Click an email from the message list to view it in the display pane.

Show/Hide The Navigation Pane.

If you’re using a smaller screen then you can choose whether to show or hide the navigation pane. Hiding the navigation pane will give you more space to view or read your emails.

To show or hide the navigation pane, click the 3 horizontal dots in the top left hand corner of the window.

The Show or Hide navigation pane option is highlighted.
Show or hide the navigation pane.

Deleting Emails.

You can delete an email by clicking the Delete button on the toolbar.

Or by hovering your mouse pointer over the message header and clicking on the Trash can icon.

An email is being deleted.
Deleting emails from Outlook app.

Deleted emails are moved to the Deleted Items folder in the navigation pane. Outlook will automatically delete emails from the Deleted Items folder after 30 days.

You can manually empty the deleted Items folder by right clicking on it and then left clicking Empty Folder.

Deleted Items folder is highlighted. Options menu is open and Empty Folder is marked.
To clear your deleted emails, right click the Deleted Items folder and then lift click Empty Folder.

Printing Emails In Outlook App.

If you need to print an email, click the 3 horizontal dots in the top right hand corner of the toolbar.

On the menu that opens, click Print.

Alternatively you can use CTRL + P keyboard shortcut.

Print option is highlighted in the Outlook app.
Printing an email.

CTRL + P Works.

If you’re more used to collecting your messages using webmail, you’ll probably know that the CTRL + P keyboard shortcut doesn’t work. With webmail, you have to find the Print button.

But in most email clients, CTRL + P does work. Simply select the message you want printed and then use the keyboard shortcut.

Reply And Forward Emails In Outlook App.

To reply to an email, open the message and then click the Reply button (icon). The Reply button is a small curved arrow that appears in the top right corner of the message.

To forward a message to someone else, click the More Actions icon (3 horizontal dots) that appears in the top right of the message pane.

On the More Actions menu, click Forward.

Reply button, More Actions icon and Forward option are all indicated.
Reply or Forward.

Organise Your Emails Into Folders.

One of the best features of using an email client such as the Outlook app is the ability to create folders to store your emails.

Just as keeping related files together in folders helps you to find them later, keeping emails together does the same thing.

How To Create A Folder In The Outlook App.

To create a new folder in the Outlook app, right click on your account name in the navigation pane.

Then left click Create New Folder on the options menu

A new folder is being created in the Outlook app.
Create folders to keep your emails organised.

A New Folder box will appear (if you can’t see it, scroll down the navigation pane).

Type in a descriptive name for your new folder and then click the Save button.

A name is being typed for the new folder and the Save button is indicated.
Name your folder and then click Save.

You’ll see the new folder appear below your account name. If you’ve got a lot of folders, you might have to scroll down to find it.

To save emails into the folder, simply drag and drop them onto the folder.

An email is being dragged to a folder in Outlook app.
Drag & drop messages to your folders.

Focused And Other Emails.

One potential annoyance with the Outlook app is that by default, it’ll attempt to sort your messages into Focused & Other emails.

For some people, it’s a great feature, but for others, not so much.

If you’d prefer to see all your emails in one place, click the Settings icon (the gear wheel) at the top of the window.

Focused and Other emails highlighted in Outlook app. The Settings icon is also marked.

On the Outlook settings page, click the Email tab in the left hand pane.

To stop Outlook sorting your messages into Focused & Other emails, select “Don’t’ sort my messages”.

Then click the Save button and close the Settings window.

Don't sort my messages option is selected.
Select “Don’t sort my messages” and click Save.


Outlook for Windows isn’t great, but in the main it does work. It’s main advantage is that it’s already installed on your PC.

If you’re looking to try out an email client then this could be a good place to start.

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